Cute Birthday Wishes for a Baby Girl: 50 Best Wishes

Birthdays are big milestones in every child’s life, and many parents will keep little things like birthday candles, party invitations, and greeting cards as keepsakes. While the little birthday celebrant won’t be able to read your birthday wish for a few years, her parents will most likely keep a few for her to look at when she’s older.

Writing a birthday wish for a baby girl that you know might act as a keepsake for years to come can be tricky. Whether you are a parent, a sibling, relative, or friend, this selection of birthday wishes is sure to show the celebrant just how much you care about her and how happy you are to have her in your life.

Here are 50 of our favorite birthday wishes for baby girls. You will find a great mix of birthday wishes that will be perfect for all different well-wishers.

50 Birthday Wishes for a Baby Girl

Birthday Wishes from Parents

birthday cupcake family

  1. Happy Birthday to our beautiful little angel. Every day that we wake up with you in our lives is a wonderful blessing from God.
  2. To the darling baby girl who brings so much love and happiness into our lives, Happy Birthday. I love you more than you could ever imagine.
  3. Happiest Birthday to the little baby who keeps us up every night. May you finally sleep through the night now that you’ve turned one.
  4. Happy Birthday to my little baby girl who is growing up so fast. It’s hard to believe that not so long ago, we were filled with excitement waiting to welcome you into the world. Now we’re filled with excitement waiting to see what life has in store for you.
  5. A day simply isn’t enough to celebrate how wonderful you are. Happy Birthday to the most amazing little human in my life.
  6. Life has its up and downs, highs and lows. I promise I’ll be there, holding your hand through them all. For now, let’s celebrate the good stuff. Happy Birthday to you, little one!
  7. Happy Birthday to the best daughter anyone could ask for. I am so lucky and so blessed to get to see you grow up. Here’s to many more amazing birthdays that I get to spend with you.
  8. You may not remember how we celebrate your first birthday, but I hope you’ll always remember and keep with you all the love and happiness we have for you. Happy Birthday my princess!
  9. Time flies so fast with you. I can’t believe it’s been a year already! Happy Birthday my lovely daughter, lots of love, hugs and kisses coming your way today!
  10. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you would always be my little angel. Happy first birthday to my precious bundle. Here’s to making more happy memories and sharing precious moments together.
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Birthday Wishes from Grandparents

grandma baby

  1. Happy Birthday to the cutest little munchkin in our lives. We can’t wait to spoil you to bits on your special day.
  2. Happy Birthday to the cutest granddaughter a grandmother/father could ask for! I hope you have a day that’s just as perfect as you are.
  3. Happy Birthday to my darling dear granddaughter. May your day be filled with love, laughter and happiness. May you always be the kind, loving, intelligent, sweet girl that you are.
  4. For my granddaughter, Happy Birthday! Today is all about you and the things you love! Get ready to eat all the birthday cake and rip open all the gifts your little heart desires!
  5. Life with you around is paradise on earth. Now if only there were more of you to go around… Happy Birthday to you, from your grandparents who love you ever so much.
  6. Happy Birthday to the most adorable little baby I’ve ever laid my eyes on. My only wish on your birthday is that your parents would let me babysit you more often!
  7. Happy Birthday cutie pie! Thank you for bringing so much love, warmth and happiness into your old man’s life.
  8. Happy Birthday to our beautiful princess. Today is all about you! Today, you are a queen, and your wish is our command.
  9. Happy Birthday to this family’s princess! May you always maintain the purity of your heart, mind, body, and soul.
  10. On this day, I wish you only the best and brightest of all the world has to offer. Happy Birthday to my granddaughter.

Birthday Wishes from Siblings

siblings baby newborn

  1. Happy Birthday to the loudest little princess I have ever met. I hope you have the best birthday ever, even though you do drive me insane sometimes.
  2. You are the best sister anyone could ever ask for. Happy Birthday to the best gift mom and dad have ever given me.
  3. Everyone talks about sibling rivalry like it’s a terrible thing. I like to think of it more like a friendly competition where I’ll always win in the age category. Happy Birthday lil’ sis!
  4. Happy Birthday to the best baby sister anyone could ask for. I can’t wait for you the day you join me as my partner in crime.
  5. Finding the right things to say in a birthday card is a hard job but finding a sister whose more awesome than you are is impossible. Happy Birthday from your big brother/sister!
  6. Happy Birthday to the little girl who never fails to make me laugh! Thank you for bringing me joy and warmth every single day.
  7. Dear sister, today, you are a year older and a year wiser (hopefully). No matter how old you get though, I’ll always be older – and that means you’ll always have to listen to me. Happy Birthday sister mine!
  8. Unlike the sun which will one day run out of energy, the tireless ball of energy which is you never will. Happy Birthday my crazy baby sis!
  9. Happy Birthday to my adorable baby sister! Cheers to all the adventures we’ll have together and the future pranks we’ll pull on mom and dad.
  10. Happy Birthday to my dearest sister. As sisters, we share a special bond like no other. As you grow up, I hope to always be your protector, your role model, and your confidante. Here’s to another year together!
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Birthday Wishes from Aunts and Uncles

clapping birthday baby

  1. Happy Birthday to the funniest, most beautiful baby on earth. I am so lucky to have you as my niece!
  2. Happy Birthday to the cutest niece in the world! I hope you get all the cake, candy, and gifts you want. You totally deserve it.
  3. Happy Birthday the most awesome niece on earth. The day you were born, I knew I found my forever shopping buddy. I can’t wait to show you what a cool aunt I am!
  4. You may be little, but I just know you’re going to get to great places and reach great heights. Happy Birthday to the best niece an aunt/uncle could ever ask for.
  5. Happy Birthday to the smartest little baby out there! May you continue to grow and learn all that there is to know in the years to come.
  6. My dear niece, I wish you kindness, beauty, intelligence and happiness in this new year of your life. Happy Birthday to you, sweetheart!
  7. Happy Birthday to the coolest little baby girl in town! I hope your birthday brings you as much happiness, love, and joy as you bring to our lives every day.
  8. Sweet as sugar, pretty as a peach, tough as nails, and brave as a lion. You’re all that and more, sweetie pie! Happy Birthday to my baby niece.
  9. A niece as special as you are deserves the most amazing birthday ever. Happy Birthday from your aunt/uncle. Here’s to having all the gifts, cakes, and treats you could ever wish for!
  10. Happy Birthday to my darling niece. Another year has gone by in the blink of an eye. As cute as you are and how much I want you to stay the size you are, I can’t wait to see what the world has in store for you.
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Birthday Wishes from Friends

balloons baby birthday

  1. Happy Birthday to the sweetest little girl I’ve ever met. Your parents are the luckiest people in the world to have you!
  2. Wishing you all the happiness and joy in the world on your special day. Happy Birthday cutie pie!
  3. Happy Birthday to you, little one. Today, you are a queen and whatever you say goes. Here’s to the greatest birthday ever!
  4. Happy Birthday baby girl! Sending lots of love, hugs and kisses your way.
  5. Happy Birthday to you, super girl! May you grow up to be a happy, strong, smart and loving young lady. Wishing you all the love and happiness in the world today!
  6. Happy Birthday baby girl, I hope you’re just as excited to celebrate your birthday as I am!
  7. Happy Birthday to the cutest and cuddliest baby I know! Showering you with love, happiness and all the presents you could imagine today!
  8. It’s amazing to see how big you’ve grown in just the past year. I hope all the grace, beauty and joy you have continues to follow you into this new year of your life. Happy Birthday!
  9. Happy Birthday to the most delightful little bundle. I can’t wait to watch as you blossom into a beautiful, smart and talented young lady. Cheers to you and your stellar parents!
  10. Happy Birthday to you, niece. You’re a year older today, but you’re still little and have a lot of learning and growing to get to yet. I have all the faith that you’ll grow up to be a remarkable young lady. You’re in the greatest of hands with your mom and dad.