Taking monthly baby pictures is a great way to document your child’s growth and development. It can be easy to let this practice fall by the wayside, but with these creative ideas, you’ll never run out of new poses or ideas for your baby photos. These 25 creative monthly baby picture ideas will help you take some of the cutest photos ever!
There are so many ways to take the cutest photos of your baby to show their first 12 months of life. Fortunately, most ideas only require items that you probably already have inside your homes, such as a laundry basket, a calendar, a piece of paper and marker, or even just a clean wall. Other ideas would call for fun props to have, such as your baby’s favorite stuffed toy, various food items, or some costumes.
This article is filled with creative monthly baby picture ideas that will fill up your baby book and give you memories for years to come.
Creative Monthly Baby Picture Ideas
In a Laundry Basket

With a Chalkboard
Chalkboards are also a great idea because of how much information you can put on there. Aside from writing down the month or date, you can put how tall they are, how heavy they’ve gotten, and even fun tidbits of information such as milestones or events you want to remember.
In Holiday Costumes

For inspiration, here are some costumes you can consider for each month of the year. You could give the baby a pair of New Year’s glasses to commemorate the new year in January. The baby could also have a pair of wings and dress up as cupid on Valentine’s in February. Dress them up in green and gold for St. Patrick’s Day in March. You can keep going and celebrate the holidays that matter to you.
With Donuts

You could either add the number of donuts for each month or use different types of donuts to commemorate each month if you want. You can also change up the background – instead of sitting them down at a table like in most monthly pictures, you can use a wall or backdrop. You could even put them in front of an actual donut shop to really make it come alive.
With Balloons

It’s also a great way to see your little one grow – as they get bigger, their grip will become stronger, and you’ll start seeing them hold onto the balloon(s) instead of just sitting there. You could use this backdrop for a year’s worth of monthly pictures.
With Wooden Blocks

Using blocks is also a good option when you want to add in the number of months or years that your baby has been around. It’s easy, and they will love playing with it once you’re done taking the pictures.
In Customized T-Shirts
You can also add a different design for each month of the year to commemorate their growth and progress. You could get T-shirts with the numbers one to twelve – one for each month of the year.
With Mom or Dad

This could be a really cute way to show off those first moments and milestones with your little one. Plus, it’s also a good way to see how they’ve changed and grown up in their first year of life too.
With Pizza

This is also a great way to show how much they’ve grown up in the past year. Plus, it’s perfect for those who love pizza because they can enjoy the pizza right after the photoshoot.
With Flowers
You could also arrange the flowers in creative ways. For example, you can have the baby sitting beside bouquets of flowers to show how old they are. You can also spell out a number using the flowers to make it easier to understand.
With Loved Ones

You can also try taking pictures that show their journey from being born until this point. For example, you can have your child besides their grandparent from when they were born until now. This is a good way to show how much everyone loves the baby and supports them. This is also just a great and easy way to include loved ones for the memories in the future.
With the Sibling

With the Pet

This idea is especially cute when you get a puppy or a kitten alongside your new baby because then you can get pictures of the two of them as they get bigger and older.
With Different Blankets

Using different blankets is a highly creative monthly baby picture idea because of how simple it is. All you need are various blankets with different prints and designs. The different blankets will make a wonderful and colorful page to your baby book when placed together.
Holding the Baby

You can also get multiple photos of the same thing with different backgrounds or surroundings so that it doesn’t look too repetitive when placed next to each other in your baby book. This is a simple way to show how fast your baby is growing in just a year.
With the Favorite Stuffed Toy

This is also good for kids who have trouble sleeping because it’s the perfect way to show how much they love their favorite stuffed animal. You can then keep the toy as a memory for them to look back on once they grow older and stop holding onto it anymore.
In Customized Onesies
This way, you’ll be able to see how much they’ve grown over this period of time because you can compare the various sizes of the onesies. It’s a perfect way to show your baby at any stage in their life and how much they’ve grown from month to month over the first twelve months.
With a Ruler

On a Scale
With a Clock or Clock Blanket

You can go about this in a few ways. You can simply take your photos of your baby with a clock in view showing the time that corresponds to the month (i.e., 1 o’clock for January, 2 o’clock for February, and so on). Other people take it to the next level and place the baby on a clock blanket, pointing the baby to the hour that corresponds to their age.
With Digital Edits
All you need is the ability to use editing software like Photoshop or GIMP. With editing software, the sky is the limit as to how you can edit the photos.
With a Calendar
On a Calendar Blanket
On a Chair

This is an easy way of showing how big and energetic they’ve gotten instead of using objects that are hard to find and either too small or too big for the baby.
With a Piece of Paper
This gives you the chance to show off how creative you are as well since this is an idea you can do right away without having to go and buy something. You only need a piece of paper and write a number on it to signify the number of months.